
Poetry   by David Wilde


Hope misses what you got

Fears what has already happened

Allowing endears play

Which is ungraspable

No need for it is just now

Rich and sated beyond naming

Comes back here


Ideas tumbling thru space like water poured in water
Bubbling up as air returns to air, leaving the pitcher clear.
Whatever the conviction, it was merely fantasy;
Dreams of mythical ground for this dancing.

Years End

Who cares if it be a water rabbit
Or maybe was a wooden tiger?
Who cares?
My sword so sharp will cut it all
So fine you cannot find the pieces.
You can take an aspirin and 5 grains of salt,
But you'll still find it shining always in the morning,
Warmly bathed in sun.
You've got to laugh!

Just So

This and that not 2,
    Whatever arises is clearly seen as it is.
Just so. Just so.


We have no time for this
Nor room to let it grow.
Just about to get it started
But feeling like it won't ever happen
One wonders then if the memory has any substance
And this moment too, just a mirage in vivid dreaming...
Attitudes unneeded.
No goal worth persuing.
How refreshing!


A pain, a plan, a house or car

Mouse or moose, me and you

All a vivid dream

With no substantiality




    fertils earth

with bore and coop


Blues, is that you again?

Sitting by the door,

Head bowed, hat in hand,

Contemplating what might have been.

Slumped that way, it's so sad.

You know you can't stay,

Going on like that.

waking from a dream


on mother's lips

in the cold dawn

taste inviting

bugs' return

As I struggle thru deep snow ..
Drifts on the way to the garden,
A bug flies by -

gulls' flight

The gulls came up the river today,
Chasing winter north.
These are not those who wheeling, cry, plunder and breed.
They fly direct and silent with unwavering intensity,
Like white arrows tipped in black,
Shot forth by the change in season
They flash by bare limbed trees, flickering across the snow floored forest
Spearheading Spring


Just a moment, dear.
Not now honey.
Take that trash out or bring it all back in.
Recycling all those triangles brings satisfaction of fresh beginnings.
Taking care, we own the world
And all delights within it.

no trace

In this play of vivid energy,
No body, sound or movement;
No trace at all is found.
They all say how it is, that never came to pass,
Leaving no mark behind.

park it

That old truck; it's nothing but trouble on the road.
So they went out to find something they could afford;
Left the keys in it.
Now they are starting over with the same model,
Hoping for space to park it,
Or someone to take it away.

tiger/dragon play

Tiger's stalking meets the dragon's spirit;
They are laughing at raindrops in water,
Moon faces all dimpled with reflections of sun.
Each has a say in painting a true picture
Of delight as it is in the garden.


This is the place you always want to be
Home of best intentions
Worthy of your care
Neighbors just the right reflections
Floodlights in the theatre of reality
There is no doubt about proper connection
When everything is so obviously in the way

no one knows

No one knows what's going on or why.
Tho we give it titles and roles
It's all a big jumble of glittering confusion
Tainted with hope, fear, and boredom
Coloring itself with passion and ordered in aggression
It presents faces of seeming familiarity that should comfort the soul
Yet nothing sticks or fits and certainly won't stem the flow
Even when frigid rigidity creates tunnels of predictability
There is still freedom for the eye of the beholder
Willing to let go beyond siezing conditions
Taste the pure colors in the jitters and junk
Feel the smells of raw being
Before the play names characters.